Adding Image To Select List With Cross Browser Compatibility Skip to main content

Select List With Cross Browser Compatibility

Saurabh Dhariwal

Saurabh Dhariwal

Adding image to select list with cross browser compatibility

Here, we will discuss adding an image to an HTML select tag. Select Tag is among the most commonly used website features; it allows you to create a drop-down list.


Now, many times, it’s required to add a specific image concerning a particular value in the drop-down menu; the default select Tag does not allow you to add a photo. Here, I have made a simple jQuery tweak with which you can embed a shot into the drop-down menu with cross-browser compatibility.


I will now explain the procedure step-by-step.


1) Construct the HTML structure as follows:

<div class="drop-down">    
	   <select name="options">     
	   <option class="en" value="en" 
	   <option class="fr" value="fr"
	   <option class="nl" value="nl"


 2) Use following js to convert select list to ul-li structure:

jQuery().ready(function() {  
/* Custom select design */    
jQuery('.drop-down').append('<div class="button"></div>');    
jQuery('.drop-down').append('<ul class="select-list"></ul>');    
jQuery('.drop-down select option').each(function() {  
var bg = jQuery(this).css('background-image');    
jQuery('.select-list').append('<li class="clsAnchor"><span value="' + jQuery(this).val() + '" class="' + jQuery(this).attr('class') + '" style=background-image:' + bg + '>' + jQuery(this).text() + '</span></li>');   
jQuery('.drop-down .button').html('<span style=background-image:' + jQuery('.drop-down select').find(':selected').css('background-image') + '>' + jQuery('.drop-down select').find(':selected').text() + '</span>' + '<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="select-list-link">Arrow</a>');   
jQuery('.drop-down ul li').each(function() {   
if (jQuery(this).find('span').text() == jQuery('.drop-down select').find(':selected').text()) {  
jQuery('.drop-down .select-list span').on('click', function()
var dd_text = jQuery(this).text();  
var dd_img = jQuery(this).css('background-image'); 
var dd_val = jQuery(this).attr('value');   
jQuery('.drop-down .button').html('<span style=background-image:' + dd_img + '>' + dd_text + '</span>' + '<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="select-list-link">Arrow</a>');      
jQuery('.drop-down .select-list span').parent().removeClass('active');    
$('.drop-down select[name=options]').val( dd_val ); 
$('.drop-down .select-list li').slideUp();     
jQuery('.drop-down .button').on('click','', function()
jQuery('.drop-down ul li').slideToggle();  
/* End */       


3) Use the following css to hide the select box, & make the option list work on ul-li. Also style the dropdown:

.drop-down { 
 position: relative;  
 display: inline-block;    
 width: auto;       
 margin-top: 0;   
 font-family: verdana;    
 .drop-down select {   
 display: none;    
 .drop-down .select-list {   
 position: absolute;     
 top: 0;      
 left: 0;     
 z-index: 1;    
 margin-top: 40px;    
 padding: 0;         
 background-color: #595959;      
 .drop-down .select-list li {   
 display: none;      
 .drop-down .select-list li span {  
 display: inline-block;      
 min-height: 40px;        
 min-width: 280px;      
 width: 100%;        
 padding: 5px 15px 5px 35px;     
 background-color: #595959;     
 background-position: left 10px center;   
 background-repeat: no-repeat;       
 font-size: 16px;       
 text-align: left;       
 color: #FFF;        
 opacity: 0.7;      
 box-sizing: border-box;     
 .drop-down .select-list li span:hover,  
 .drop-down .select-list li span:focus {     
 opacity: 1;     


Final result

Adding image to select list with cross browser compatibility
Adding image to select list with cross browser compatibility

This blog is a quick and easy guide for cross-browser compatibility. Thanks For the Web Design company contact us now!!