Building Feature-Rich Mobile Apps Through Flutter App Development in 2024 Skip to main content

Saurabh Dhariwal

Saurabh Dhariwal

Flutter mobile app development

Development in business has undergone dramatic change. A few years ago, creating mobile applications quickly on multiple platforms was extremely laborious; developers would write separate codes so their apps worked on both Android and IOS operating systems simultaneously. Today, however, rapid application creation is much simpler with powerful developer tools available, such as React Native, that enable quick app building across both OS platforms - saving valuable developer hours when trying to bring products quickly into the market.


No matter where your business stands on its journey, learning more about the Flutter app development services and its operations will enrich the experience. While Flutter may still be a relatively new technology with less coverage than cross-platform solutions like Magento or Shopify, its effectiveness has already been demonstrated.


What is Flutter?

Flutter, Google's open-source SDK has quickly won over thousands of developers around the globe. Comprised of two components -- code generator and game engine -- Flutter has quickly earned global praise from developers everywhere.


  • SDKs are a collection of tools, such as libraries, APIs, documentation, tools for compiling the code to native machine code, and more.


  • A framework consists of reusable UI elements that you can modify to meet your needs.


Flutter is an extensible programming language built using Dart, offering high performance applications while remaining easy to learn and accessible for newcomers alike. Flutter's library contains premade widgets that can be tailored according to individual requirements for customizing apps quickly and efficiently.

Native or Cross-Platform: Which Strategy to Choose?

You should first solve the biggest problem startups face before you start developing Flutter apps.


Native mobile programming stack includes Objective-C and Swift for iOS applications; Java, Kotlin (for Android apps), Android Studio (for Android apps), and SDK tools to ensure maximum compatibility across platforms; it should also be noted that apps explicitly created for any platform typically perform better, provide greater opportunities, look natural and provide users with better experiences overall.


The problem is that they must create an application for each OS (if it's a business product targeting multiple platforms). This requires more work hours, more engagement, and therefore more money. Native development may be sufficient if you only have one OS as your target audience.


Cross-platform frameworks such as React Native Flutter and Xamarin allow developers to rapidly develop applications compatible with multiple platforms using one codebase instead of multiple ones, shortening development time and costs while reaching more audiences for less money.


Its compatibility is lower than native solutions and will need more performance optimization.


React Native has proven itself as the go-to solution in mobile development over recent years due to its cost-effectiveness and ease of development.


Flutter is a cross-platform framework that challenges React Native's supremacy and offers an alternative for developers. Like any technology, Flutter has its advantages and disadvantages.


Flutter Architecture Explained


Flutter's architecture comprises three layers that work together to create the framework.


  • The framework layer, a framework layer built on Dart, is visible in Flutter. It provides a set of libraries for developers to design and develop the user interface. This layer is divided into widgets, foundational classes, and rendering layers.


  • The engine layer, written in C/C++, offers a low-level implementation of the Flutter Framework, including core APIs like graphics, accessibility support, and text layout. It communicates with the framework layer to execute code and render the user interface.


  • The embedder layer is platform-specific and launches the Flutter engine. It also provides it with resources for rendering the user interface. It allows Flutter apps to run on various operating systems. The engine layer can interact with the native APIs of the platform.


Popular Apps Developed Using Flutter


Flutter has been used to build or re-design many renowned applications worldwide. According to studies, 42% of developers use Flutter when creating multi-platform apps. Flutter-based apps have been a huge success in the respective industries. These include:


Google Pay


Google Pay, which allows 100 million users to digitalize their payments worldwide, is one of the most popular platforms re-designed using Flutter. This platform allowed them to improve the app's functionality without writing native code. This platform allowed them to scale Google Pay faster and more efficiently to reach locations that they could not tap before.


Alibaba Group


Alibaba is considered one of the largest E-commerce companies in the globe. Flutter app development services were integrated into their business plan, and a dynamic app named Xianyu was created for the seamless trading of second-hand goods. The app is believed to have over 200 million users and 50 million downloads.




This multinational E-commerce company is a favorite for selling and buying electronics, cars, and clothes. Flutter was chosen to help them grow their business and build an app compatible with iOS and Android. eBay's application was a success, both for the developers and users.




The Flutter-based development team at this global E-commerce marketplace in America has re-designed its business strategy. They used the software instead of re-designing the entire app to improve the merchant experience and coupon redemption service. These integrations enabled Groupon to increase its market value to $1 billion after only 16 months in business.


Philips Hue


Philips Hue is a digital lighting control system that allows automated light control and synchronization with other systems. Flutter was trusted to create an advanced home app that offers intuitive controls and real-time sync of smart lights. This framework helped the company achieve 8.7 million monthly customer engagements.


Popular Widgets for Flutter Developers


Flutter developers have a wide range of widgets to choose from. Take a look at the most popular Flutter widgets:


  • Cupertino ActionSheet -- The CupertinoActionSheet Widget is a prebuilt widget that allows Flutter development agency to create action sheets in iOS style quickly. It includes features like title, message, and cancel buttons.


  • Material Button -- The MaterialButton widget adheres to Material Design guidelines. It includes features like text labels, ripple effects, and elevation.


  • FlatButton The FlatButton widget has the same functionality as MaterialButton, but it does not include an elevation property. It is ideal for cases where button elevation is not needed, such as dialogs and cards.


  • MaterialApp: A Material Design widget that creates an application environment. It adds material-design functionality to a WidgetApp.


  • Scaffold - A Material Design-specific widget that provides page structure by implementing the Drawer, AppBar, and FloatingActionButton.


  • AppBar A Material Design widget that is usually placed at the top of an app by using the Scaffold appBar property.


  • Drawer - A Material Design widget that creates a navigation area for users to navigate through the app. It is located within the Scaffold drawer property.


  • FloatingActionButton: A Material Design widget used to create buttons that "float" above other content within the app. The Scaffold's property floating action button is used to place it in the bottom-right corner of the screen.


  • CupertinoApp - Cupertino-specific widget that creates an application environment similar to MaterialApp but supporting gestures and features from iOS, such as CupertinoTabScaffold and CupertinoNavigationBar.


  • CupertinoPageScaffold - Cupertino-specific widget that serves primarily as a content holder. Additionally, this type of element enables page navigation between subpages via an iOS-style tab bar at the bottom.


  • CupertinoNavigationBar - Cupertino-specific widget used to generate navigation bars similar to those seen in iOS apps.


  • CupertinoTabScaffold: A scaffold where selected tabs can navigate between subtrees


Flutter provides a wide range of Cupertino and Material components. The Cupertino widgets were built by the Flutter team to offer a familiar UI to iOS users. The widgets were built because Flutter renders them themselves instead of depending on native platform components.


Some applications may only use Cupertino, and others might choose Material UI. What is most important is to create a UI that meets the User's expectations, that is, dynamically using one theme or another, depending on the platform.


Stateless widgets are very efficient because they only update when their inputs change. Stateful widgets, on the other hand, can use setState () to update an internal value and redraw.


Dart Side of Flutter


Dart is used for developing Flutter apps. Google developed Dart to build applications across desktop, mobile, server, and web environments - its first use was back in 2009. Being object-oriented with garbage collection features and class-based classes, it works perfectly well across browsers without their having to adopt it, often faster than JavaScript as well. Furthermore, it can even be used with Flutter to develop mobile applications!


Dart comes with an extensive library. The technology of Just in Time (JiT), which allows for fast work, is also used. The developers can create an application in record time. Dart has become extremely popular in the past year. In 2020, the number of people who know this language is up +532% per year compared to 2019.

Why Prefer Flutter for Mobile Application Development in 2024?

Flutter offers some unique features when compared to other cross-platform solutions as well as native development tools. This is why it attracts developers, product owners, and tech leaders. Flutter is an excellent tool for developing mobile apps.


Efficient Development Process


Flutter is a cross-platform platform that allows you to develop an app on both platforms using the same codebase. Flutter is more than just a faster development tool. Flutter also has a hot restart feature and the well-known "hot reload," which lets you see real-time updates without restarting your app.


The development process is significantly accelerated. React Native, Xamarin, and similar tools have the same functions but are slower. These features allow you to save both time and resources with Flutter.


Accessibility and Ease


Flutter is a programming language that uses Dart. Google created the Dart language to replace JavaScript. Dart is easy to learn for developers with experience with JavaScript. Flutter handled the functional plugins already present in the toolchain.


If none are suitable to your project's requirements, why not find something in a pub? Creating plugins may take longer but will significantly expand functionality.


Customizable User Interface Design


Flutter's easy customization allows even the most complex UI designs. This is not possible with native platforms. Flutter allows for easy transformations and clipping of elements, as well as manipulations of color, shape, and shadow. Flutter makes the process more flexible without increasing the workload. Below is an illustration of its operation.


Flutter's graphics and animation library allows developers to create high-fidelity, visually stunning user interfaces. They can also react instantly when touched.


Lego-Like Simplicity


Flutter's mobile development allows you to build native smartphone applications as quickly as putting Lego bricks together. Flutter enables you to design applications by combining widgets. The developer can then create the app he wants, piece by piece. It also concerns functionality.


It is a good idea to use Flutter to develop mobile apps, mainly if your goal is to make a simple app, you need an app to be made quickly, or you are on a tight budget. You should also try developing with the Flutter Framework if the core of your future application is UI. Flutter reports that 7% of the developers who use Flutter work for design agencies.


Excellent interface of any complexity


Flutter's ability to customize all you do on screen is the most impressive feature. It is more challenging to create a similar perspective on native platforms.


The best part is that this tool did not increase the load on the computer. You can manipulate color, shape, or shadows. Crop or transform.


Google has created a stunning smart clock in collaboration with Lenovo that uses the extensive functionality provided by the Flutter interface. Your project will be noticed.




Flutter's hot reload feature is a cutting-edge tool that professionals worldwide have praised for its application development. This feature is a game changer, allowing developers to quickly view minute code improvements without restarting the application.


Hot reloading allows Flutter app developers to experiment with different designs and see their impact on an application without delay. This will let them settle on a final concept before debugging or testing your project. Support from a Flutter developer will help you improve any future app development endeavors.


Mild learning curve


Flutter apps may present unique difficulties when developing them, but that doesn't have to be the case. Dart is used as the language of choice when developing Flutter applications - not exactly an ideal option, but easy for developers.


Flutter allows developers to build mobile apps and prototypes without any prior experience in app development.


Apps with High Stability


Flutter's rendering engines and the ability to compile into CPU-specific ARM codes make it ideal for maintaining a stable interface during OS updates and customizations. This stability is beneficial for projects in finance, transportation, eCommerce, and healthcare.


Flutter's high level of reliability allows applications to run smoothly. Flutter, unlike other technologies that may cease to support older versions of their software, guarantees compatibility. It also maintains a consistent development and API approach. Flutter emphasizes reuse and compatibility by allowing code from earlier versions to be used in newer apps.


MVP Development


Flutter's Hot Reload feature increases developer productivity, making it an excellent option for MVP development. It allows code to be changed without having to reload the app, which is an exclusive feature of Flutter.


The widgets in Flutter are not mutable. Only the screens that are currently being edited will be reloaded. This method could reduce the development time by up to 30%. Flutter app developers increasingly use this technology to create an MVP of the application.


Community Support


As previously discussed, Flutter has quickly become one of the leading mobile development frameworks. Furthermore, being open-source enables both professional and amateur developers alike to alter the source code to meet their individual needs before sharing online. Flutter boasts an active community offering various widgets and scripts for additional functionality.


The extensive Flutter forums allows a Flutter agency to easily find solutions if they run into problems during the development process.


No Device Left Behind


Multiple sets of code can leave behind older devices, such as smartphones and tablets, that provide a different experience with their applications than newer ones. Companies can use Flutter to create a single code set that is compatible across all devices, so branding, user interface/UX, and overall experience are maintained.


Publicly Accessible


Flutter provides an open-source framework with access to its codebase for easy development of apps while giving developers access to helpful community members for app creation, knowledge-sharing, and bug reporting. Flutter promotes innovation and improvement as an open-source framework with dynamic functionality, making Flutter both dynamic and exciting to use!


Flutter also benefits from Google's support and development, as the framework is heavily relied upon. Google's team of dedicated developers quickly addresses any Flutter bugs or issues. Google also uses Flutter to develop its multi-platform OS, Google Fuchsia. Flutter users can be assured that this level of investment will ensure the framework remains relevant and supported for the long term.


Evolution of the Flutter Framework


There are two significant differences between Flutter 2 and 3: web support and faster startup. Flutter 3 is required to create an application that runs in a browser. If you plan to create a mobile app that is more traditional, either version should work.


Flutter 2


Flutter 2, released in December 2020, brought some incredible new features, including Add to App. NestedScrollView. Slider. and WebView. Add to App allows developers to add Flutter screens to apps written in Java Swift or Objective C.


NestedScrollView allows developers to create a scrollable list within another scrollable list (i.e., a list within a listing). The slider enables developers to create sliders that adapt automatically to a user's screen.


WebView allows you to embed any web content into a Flutter application without writing additional code.


Flutter 3


Flutter 3's biggest improvement is its support for web applications. Flutter 3 allows you to create web apps. The new Hummingbird Project, which compiles Flutter code to JavaScript using Dart 2.7, makes this possible.


Flutter 3 adds support for Apple Silicon native development, as well as MacOS and Linux desktop apps. It also fully integrates Flutter and Firebase.


Hummingbird also offers faster app startup and smaller app sizes.


Flutter 3 also includes:


  • Text input on mobile devices is improved with a new text editing control.


  • Support for right-to-left languages


  • Map support has been improved


  • New Material Design Widgets


  • Bug fixes and performance improvements


Future of Flutter


Flutter's future appears bright as its popularity with developers and companies expands exponentially. Flutter has experienced rapid adoption by developers and companies for creating web and mobile apps of superior quality.


Flutter will continue to develop over the coming years to become an even more potent tool when creating modern and high-performance apps. Google plans on investing in Flutter by adding features and fixing bugs; additionally, its large community of users and developers may help push its growth.


Flutter's potential for growth is in desktop and web application development. The release of Flutter on the web has made the framework a powerful tool for creating applications that run across multiple platforms. The framework will likely become more popular as companies use Flutter to develop desktop and web apps.

Easy Flutter App Development Steps to Follow

To ensure the success of an application, it is essential to follow a structured development process. Flutter development follows this same pattern. It's necessary to adhere to these three KRAs for this software to integrate its extensive capabilities:


  • Plan your strategy


  • Use the latest market trends


  • Select the best development path


App Ideation and Market Research


App ideation is the starting point of every app development project, regardless of its specific focus. Before initiating, one should clearly know exactly which kind of app they wish to create and conduct market research to gain more information on target markets, latest market trends and competition; all which allows businesses to compile an initial list of requirements necessary for further progress.


These questions can also be used to create a list of project requirements:


  • Who is your target audience?


  • What problems will the app resolve?


  • What is an app category?


  • What are their strategies to make themselves stand out from the competition?


  • What is the USP that will help you beat the competition?


  • What are some of the latest trends you can integrate into your app?


Design the UI and UX Features


With a clear app idea, businesses can create buyer personas to determine the app's functionality, features, client-side interface, and design. Successful apps require unique features, an outstanding UI/UX design and personalized user experiences that resonate. Therefore, it is key that we take our time in mapping all these elements as well as designing engaging user journeys which encourage their return.


Hire a Company


After completing the research and determining your feature requirements, you can hire a mobile app development firm. The best Flutter app development company can test and build a product per the client's strategy. They can also finalize app features, functionality, and design to make it successful on the market. There are many Flutter mobile app development agencies on the market. Before selecting the ideal service provider for you and your app idea, it is crucial that extensive research be performed. Finding an appropriate service provider will enable your idea to become reality faster.


App Development


Next, you will need to develop the app and launch it. The professional development team hired will provide the following services.


  • Strategy Building


  • Wireframes and prototyping


  • MVP Development


  • Testing and Quality Assurance


  • Final Launch


  • Post-Development Assistance


Each of these services can make your application a success. The right tools, strategies, and methodologies will help a company launch a product with a lasting impact.


App Monitoring


App development doesn't end after it hits the market - due to evolving technologies and user needs, updates must continue as needed to maintain functionality for users and prevent issues with performance or user experience. With help from development team professionals, keeping an app updated shouldn't be difficult!


The Key Takeaway


Flutter is an all-in-one software package that empowers developers to quickly build dynamic, cross-platform apps for mobile, desktop, embedded, and web devices. Flutter's ease of use makes it ideal for businesses that seek to redesign existing applications or produce platform-independent native solutions natively compiled solutions quickly and cost-effectively.


More is needed to have an app idea. You need a hire a dedicated flutter developer who can help you build a product. It's essential to work with a reputable development agency. AddWeb Solution is the ideal Flutter app company to transform your idea into an innovative solution.


We have over a decade of experience in developing robust products, and we have helped several businesses to gain a competitive edge in a highly competitive market. Our expert team of developers handles every project precisely and strives to create a customized solution for each client. Get a free estimate of the Flutter development costs by contacting our experts.