Drupal 10 is Released : Things You Should Know About the Latest Drupal Release Skip to main content

Things You Should Know About the Latest Drupal Release

Saurabh Dhariwal

Saurabh Dhariwal

Drupal 10

One of the most preferred and widely used open-source content management systems, Drupal, is changing how businesses and content creators use technology. An integral aspect of what makes Drupal so enticing is the updates that the community releases regularly.


Recently Drupal released its latest version, Drupal 10, to millions of users eagerly waiting for it. The newest array of Drupal features is expected to make it an even more exciting CMS for everyone.


But how will Drupal 10 differ from the former version, Drupal 9? What is one need to know about the latest release for a smoother Drupal 9 to 10 migration?


If you have these questions, this post will help you address them all. Keep reading.


Drupal Latest Version

An introduction about Drupal

In a nutshell, Drupal is a content management system, which is a platform that helps users create, structure, and manage their content on the web. It offers many features to make content publishing easier for its users.


Drupal can be easily integrated with payment gateways, automated marketing platforms, analytics tools, social media, CRMs, etc.

Drupal 10 vs. Drupal 9: key differences in features

Drupal10 Features Migration


Updating Symfony 4 to Symfony 6.2


Symfony 4 is one of the biggest dependencies of Drupal 9. Unfortunately, it ends its run in November 2023. This means that the support for Symfony 4 will be stopped, and any security issues or bugs won’t get fixed after November 2023.


Therefore, Drupal moves to Symfony 5 or higher by Symfony 4 must end its support. Market insiders confirm that Drupal 10 will update Symfony 4 to 6.2.


Upgrading CKEditor from version 4 to 5


It is confirmed that the latest version of Drupal will come with the upcoming CKEditor 5, which brings with it various impeccable features, authoring capabilities, and plug-ins. The work is still getting done, and the latest editor will look more like MS Word or Google Docs when everything is said and done.


With the latest features and capabilities of CKEditor 5, content creation in Drupal 10 will be more future-ready than ever.


The best and most talked about improvement of CKEditor 5 is the contextual balloon on the editor, which enables inline content editing.


Starterkit theme in Drupal 10


The Classy base theme is changed in Drupal 10 to the Starterkit theme, achieving a whole new way of theming for the CMS. This is also a novel process for custom theme creation and will replace the existing Classy theme.


Although the Starterkit theme is being finalized for release, it is expected to become stable with Drupal 10.


Automated updates instead of Drupal core update


One of the biggest complaints that most Drupal users face when the updates run is the difficulty of running the update for Drupal via Composer. But that’s the issue of the past now.


With Drupal 10, the updates are now easy as it comes with automated options. The major goal of the initiative is to ensure safe, fast, and quick updates for Drupal.


It is also interesting to note that automatic updates are one of the most requested Drupal 10 features requested by users.


Advanced JS components replacing jQuery UI


Since 2017, jQuery UI has been used by Drupal. However, it is going to change when Drupal 10 drops. It has been reported that the existing UI will be replaced with better and more streamlined JS components to meet the changing requirements of users and content creators.


Related Article: How to Get Drupal 10 Ready and What Should Be Your Next Move?

Advantages of Drupal as a CMS

Drupal comes with a variety of advantages. Some of the most important advantages that make it an uber-cool CMS are as given below:


Drupal as CMS


It is open-source


As Drupal is an open-source platform, it can be downloaded, used, and modified without a fee.


However, what makes the platform even more impressive is that it has a strong and large community of Drupal developers to the tune of 1M+ to make the platform even more impressive.


These developers respond to and help users who want to take advantage of the platform for personal or business projects.


It is future-proof


Several CMS developers actively worry about bugs in their platforms to make them appealing to users. However, with Drupal, that is never the case. The developers make it a point to work on the platform consistently to make it ready for the future.


Another aspect of making Drupal future-ready is that developers work extensively to make it work seamlessly on mobile devices and other hand-held machines.


Since Drupal is a community made with developers, they respond swiftly to dramatic changes in the technology world and internet capabilities.


It is extremely flexible


No matter what you want to develop with Drupal, it is possible. With the latest Drupal 10 on the way, it would be even more impressive. Whether you want to create a blog, ecommerce site, wiki, or something entirely new, Drupal is the best platform you have.


In addition to being extremely flexible, Drupal is highly customizable, making it significantly useful for any type of project.


In addition to the core modules available in Drupal, there are over 36K modules created by the Drupal community, which makes it easy for businesses to leverage the platform.


Drupal is aesthetically inclined


Nobody wants to look at a dull or visually unimpressive blog or website. Knowing this, Drupal has gone the extra mile to make it easier for users to create stunning web resources like websites, blogs, and wikis.


One can take advantage of diverse themes to make your website look impressive and mesmerizing.


These themes developed by Drupal experts can also be customized as you need.


Drupal is secure


Another important aspect of using Drupal is that it is secure. And with the latest Drupal 10, it would be even more secure. Being open-source and community-managed code makes Drupal one of the most secure CMSs available in the market now.


Since the community has a long history of working on the code of Drupal, they know all potential possibilities of breaches and vulnerabilities. This also makes the job of the security team of Drupal easy.


Any issue identified is addressed and taken care of in real-time.


Supports scalability


No business stays in the same position. They grow and develop, and in the future, they need to scale their web resources and capabilities per their business's growing needs. With Drupal, it can be done easily.


Drupal is built for scalability. This is further supported by the fact that Drupal offers numerous automation tools that make the work of the users quicker and faster.


Apart from this, the support team of Drupal can always be contacted for help if you hit any roadblock when you try to scale up your web resources on Drupal.


Related Article: 25 Drupal Modules To Simplify Drupal Development

How AddWeb Solution can Help You with Drupal 10 Migration

As one of the best Drupal development companies in the market, AddWeb Solution can help you ensure a trouble-free migration from Drupal 9 to Drupal 10. Here is why AddWeb Solution is perfectly poised to help you with the migration:


Drupal 9 to 10 Migration


Years of experience


We have been working on Drupal for a long time. During our tenure, we have worked with some of the leading brands and helped them take full advantage of Drupal and its capabilities. We can do that for you, too.


Dedicated Drupal developers


We have a dedicated team of Drupal developers who know what needs to be done about the migration. They have helped various businesses to migrate from previous versions of Drupal to 9 in the past.


Timely assistance


Our Drupal development team is available to provide the support that you need when you need it. All you need to do is to let us know and we will be ready to help you. Our team will ensure a smooth transition of your Drupal.


After support


AddWeb believes in creating a lasting relationship with our clients. Therefore, even after completing the migration process from Drupal 9 to 10, you can contact us if you face any technical issues. We would love to help you.


Custom service


We know that your migration requirements might be vastly different from another business, even if you are in the same industry. Keeping this core aspect of service in mind, we always offer tailor-made solutions to each of our clients.


Cost-effective service


At AddWeb Solution, our services are cost-effective and value-adding despite being tailor-made and top-notch. This focus on delivering uncompromised value for our clients is what made us a sought-after name for Drupal 9 to Drupal 10 migration.

Drupal 10 release party at AddWeb Solution

AddWeb Solution has always been an active part of the Drupal community ranking 16th among top companies contributing to the growth of Drupal and related service offerings.


In addition to this, AddWeb Solution has also participated in Drupal events and conferences as sponsors multiple times:


Sponsors at DrupalCon Dublin 2016

Sponsors at DrupalCamp Brighton 2016

Sponsors at DrupalCamp London 2016


We have also volunteered actively in the following Drupal events:

DrupalCamp London 2016

DrupalCon Asia 2016

DrupalGovCon, Bethesda, MD 2015

The Partner as well as the Volunteer @NYCCamp in New York, USA in 2015

DrupalCon LA 2015

Drupal Camp London, 2015

DrupalCamp Brighton 2015


Keeping up with our tradition, we celebrate the Drupal 10 release party at our head office in Gujrat, India. It is more than a party as & a fantastic place to learn about the capabilities of Drupal 10, and how it will change how businesses and individual creators use Drupal 10. 

AddWeb Solution is ready for Drupal 10. Are you?

Drupal is undoubtedly one of the most respected and sought-after CMS platforms in the market. As it brings several advantages for the users, Drupal is immensely loved by everyone looking to build websites and blog sites.


With the release of Drupal 10, it would be even more impressive for users to take advantage of the same.


If you are looking for a Drupal 9 to 10 migration, you need to hire the support of a Drupal development company that knows how to go about it. AddWeb Solution can help you with the same.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should businesses consider upgrading to Drupal 10, and what benefits does it offer over earlier versions?

Upgrading to Drupal 10 is essential for businesses to stay current with the latest security patches, improvements, and features. It ensures better performance, compatibility with modern technologies, and long-term support from the Drupal community.

Is the upgrade from Drupal 9 to Drupal 10 a complex process?

The upgrade from Drupal 9 to Drupal 10 is designed to be straightforward due to the continuous innovation model. Businesses should follow Drupal's official guidelines, perform a thorough site audit, update contributed modules, and test the upgrade on a staging environment.

What are the key features and enhancements introduced in Drupal 10?

Drupal 10 introduces improvements in the user interface, making it more user-friendly for administrators. For developers, adopting Symfony 5 components provides enhanced functionality and compatibility with modern PHP standards.

How does Drupal 10 address security concerns?

Drupal 10 focuses on security by removing deprecated code, ensuring compatibility with supported PHP versions, and implementing best practices. Regular security updates from the Drupal security team contribute to maintaining a secure web environment.

What considerations should businesses keep in mind when planning to migrate to Drupal 10?

Businesses should consider module compatibility, theme updates, custom code adjustments, and potential database changes. Creating a comprehensive migration plan, testing thoroughly, and seeking professional assistance can ensure a successful migration.

How does Drupal 10 support the latest web technologies and industry standards?

Drupal 10 embraces the latest web technologies by adopting Symfony 5 components, supporting modern PHP versions, and ensuring compatibility with emerging standards. This ensures that websites powered by Drupal 10 remain current and adaptable to industry trends.

Drupal 10, and how can businesses actively participate?

The Drupal community plays a crucial role in developing and improving Drupal 10. Businesses can actively participate by providing feedback, contributing code, attending Drupal events, and engaging with the community through forums and discussions.