Flutter App Development: Cost of Developing a Flutter App Skip to main content

Cost of Developing a Flutter App

Ashish Jain

Ashish Jain

Flutter App Development Cost

When it comes to creating mobile apps, Flutter continues to stay ahead of most platforms. The data from Statista shows that the framework's popularity is on an upward trend.


However, knowing the cost involved in the development process is vital before you choose Flutter for your business’s mobile app.


That's why we bring you this comprehensive guide. It will help you understand:


  • The elements influencing the cost of Flutter development.
  • The cost of developing a Flutter App development.
  • How to choose the best Flutter app development and more.

How Much Does Flutter App Development Cost?

Depending on the app's complexity, a Flutter app development project can cost anywhere from USD 15,000 to USD 200,000.


Here is a comprehensive guide about the cost of developing a Flutter app.


Flutter app development cost in 2023

What Are the Factors That Influence Flutter App Development?

Diverse factors influence the overall cost of developing a Flutter App. We consider the following to be the most crucial ones.


The scope and complexity of the project.


This one is obvious, isn’t it?


Its features, functionalities, etc., determine an app’s complexity and scope. More features and capabilities will naturally shoot the price up.


A simple app with a login option and a suitable UI to get the job done is more affordable. While that can work for a small business, for a large business that wants to earn a lot of money, it does not work. Their app needs to be feature-rich.


Design and UI/UX requirements.


How much do you think the UI of Amazon costs?


What about Instagram or Netflix?


It costs a lot to design an intuitive UI that works across diverse platforms and keeps the user experience at the centre.


Of course, they are large corporations with billions of dollars to make the best UI. But you must not compromise on this fact either.


As UI/UX are two essential elements of an app, you need to spend enough money on the same.


However, if you want to take it to the next level, that will increase your development cost.


The team that’s working on the app.


When developing apps, experienced professionals cost a lot more to hire than less experienced Flutter app developers. So, if you want the best team, you must be willing to invest a lot of money in talent.


On the other hand, if you don’t need such top talent, you can hire Flutter developers with less experience and exposure.


However, if you hire experienced professionals, they can deliver a top-quality product.


Where the developers are.


The location of the developers also influences the overall cost of the project. Hiring Flutter developers from Asia or Eastern Europe costs less than the US and Western Europe.


In addition, you also need to check the engagement model of the Flutter development agency you work with.


Going for an hourly rate might lead to increased costs if something unanticipated comes up. The best option is to choose the suitable model that fits your budget and development needs.


Flutter app testing.


Testing it after development is crucial to ensure your app works as intended. You can test your app using different types of testing, such as:


  • Functional testing
  • Performance testing
  • Usability testing
  • Security testing


Running a more significant number of costs will cost you more. However, overlooking them may bring you serious, more costly issues.


Flutter app support and maintenance.


Do you think your job is done once the project is over?


No! Not even a bit.


Creating an app is the easy part. That’s what we believe as an experienced Flutter app development company.


After developing the app, you must keep maintaining and finetuning it. Release updates from time to time. Address critical errors as they happen. Ensure security features are updated.


There are many things you need to do after the app is ready.


This is also going to cost you a lot of money. However, maintaining the app is what keeps it running efficiently.


The cost of app store releases.


After developing the cross-platform app, one must release it to the public.


And where does that happen? In app stores like Google Play and Apple Store. Hosting apps in Google Play costs a one-time charge of USD 50, while it costs USD 99 per annum in Apple Store.


This is another cost that you need to bear in mind.


Integration of third-party APIs.


As all features and capabilities cannot be created within the app, you must also use certain APIs to make the app function flawless.


One example of this is Payment Gateways.


While the cost might be less at the initial stages, you might need to invest more as the usage increases.


Related Article: 8 Reasons Why Should Startups Use Flutter for App Development

How to Choose the Best Flutter App Development Company?

Follow the steps below to choose the right Flutter app development company.


Check their experience.


This is the first thing you need to check. We cannot write how important it is to work with an agency with the right experience.


Take us for example. We have been working in the field for over a decade and know how to develop a perfect Flutter mobile app.


And that kind of experience benefits your project more than you can know.


Evaluate the portfolio.


Should you go with a business that claims to have been providing Flutter development services for years?


No. You must also check their portfolio.


A great portfolio is a testimonial to the successful projects that the agency has completed in the past. You can check the portfolio and understand what they have done.


We have a great portfolio with hundreds of completed projects. Check it out.


Their app development packages.


When developing an app for business purposes, it is going to be a considerably significant investment. But we believe it does not have to be too exorbitant.


Hence, look for the packages they offer. If they can offer you a custom package, that's the best option.


That's also why we at AddWeb Solution offer multiple service packages for everyone looking for reliable Flutter development services.


Their technology infrastructure.


Imagine developing a Flutter app using technology that's three years old. How catastrophic that's going to be for your business?


No one wants that to happen, right?


Learning about the technology that your prospective agency is using. This is crucial to ensure they can deliver the latest features, capabilities, etc.


We take extreme care of that at AddWeb Solution. And we always offer the latest features and functionalities available at the moment.


Customer service.


What would you do if your Flutter app suddenly showed some errors? You call the customer service of the business that developed the app for you.


What if they don't pick up the call? What if you are calling after their business hours?


The horrors of such a situation are unimaginable.


That's why you must check your potential agency's customer service and ensure they can help you when needed.


We do this at AddWeb Solution; we provide an account manager with every project, and they can be contacted whenever you have an issue.


So you will never have to worry about any technical issues.

How to Develop Budget Friendly App With Flutter?

Ensuring the best value for your investments is crucial for any business that wants to grow. The same goes for Flutter app development as well.


That's why we bring you the following ideas to help you develop a Flutter app without investing a lot.


Let's check them out here.


Outsource the project.


Yes, you read that correctly.


One of the best ways to make a Flutter app at an affordable rate is to hire a Flutter development agency and outsource the work.


The best option is to hire an Indian company, as the Flutter app development cost in India is very low.


However, the quality of the app is never an issue.


Release an MVP.


Many businesses need to release the perfect app version with all the features.


No, you don't have to.


One smart thing to do is release a minimum viable product in the market. This allows you to get feedback from the users. Based on the feedback, you can add new features.


Most businesses offering Flutter development services can work like that. We sure do.


Set your requirements first.


Setting what you want from the project is crucial to managing the investment.


The idea is to communicate well with the Flutter app development agency and avoid confusion. This will save you from unwanted changes, waste of resources, and disputes.


So, create the perfect brief for the Flutter app development agency before you even hire one.


Go for minimum app features.


You don't have to always go with all the features when releasing your app initially. People are getting to know your app. So, only the basic functionalities are required.


However, this is a massive challenge as you must include all the necessary functions to flawlessly satisfy the users' requirements.


As you get feedback and feature requests from the client, work on them.


Follow the Agile project methodology.


Efficiently using resources and minimizing wastage are the two best strategies you can follow when developing a Flutter app.


The Agile development methodology can help you do this.


AddWeb Solution uses this methodology extensively on all projects to offer India's competitive Flutter app development cost.

Why Choose AddWeb Solution to Develop a Flutter Mobile App?

As an experienced business offering Flutter development services, AddWeb Solution has a range of service qualities that make us the best Flutter development agency.


Here are the most essential elements.


Our experience.


Our experience in the industry spans a decade. Hence, we know the industry profoundly to leverage unique insights that help us deliver the best Flutter app every single time.


Our domain expertise.


Regardless of the app's complexity, our team can pull it off thanks to our expertise. Hence, you can confidently hire Flutter developers from us.


Our infrastructure.


Over the years, we have amassed an exceptionally robust technology infrastructure to develop various apps and products. This infrastructure enables us to deliver the best Flutter development services.


Customer service packages.


As we work with small and large businesses, we know that every business has a unique need that must be satisfied. That's why we offer custom services for developing Flutter apps.


Team of Flutter experts.


Our team comprises exceptionally skilled and qualified professionals you can hire confidently. We also train them constantly to stay updated with the trends and changes in the industry.


Related Article: Flutter vs. React Native: Which Cross-Platform Framework is Best for Your App Development Needs?


While cost is among the essential elements of developing a Flutter app, we urge you to consider other elements, such as the application's quality, user experience, etc. The aim must be to develop an app that can solve your customers' problems. If you want a reliable business to work with, we offer the best Flutter app development cost in India.


AddWeb Solution has worked with numerous businesses, delivering impeccable applications and solutions. And if you want to hire Flutter developers that will deliver the best results, we are your best option.