Flutter vs Vue JS: Which Framework Should You Choose for Your Next App Development Project | AddWeb Solution Skip to main content

For Your Business: Flutter VS Vue JS?

Saurabh Dhariwal

Saurabh Dhariwal

Flutter VS VueJS

The demand for high-performing websites is on a constant rise. And businesses are in a frenzy to develop efficient and robust mobile apps. But one thing that businesses often struggle with is choosing the right development framework.


As a mobile app development company with years of experience, we have listened to our clients go—what’s the best platform to develop a mobile app?


We know this is a universal struggle as there are numerous app development platforms in the world. But we know the struggle is real and the importance of picking the right framework as a company offering Vue JS and Flutter development services.


As Flutter and Vue JS are the most popular app development frameworks in the market, choosing between them is even more challenging. That’s why we have decided to pit them against each other in this post.

An Overview of Flutter

Flutter is a popular framework for mobile app development. It was developed by Google in 2017. A chief reason for its popularity is the language it was made with—Dart. This allows mobile app developers to use the framework to create cross-platform apps for both Android and iOS devices.


Flutter has over 2 million users and has become one of the top 4 app development frameworks in the world.

Benefits of Using Flutter for Mobile App Development

Benefits of Using Flutter for Mobile App Development


Flutter offers a variety of advantages to mobile app development agencies, businesses, and users alike. Here are a few top advantages.


Flutter Enables Faster App Development.


Businesses want to finish developing their apps as quickly as possible. Flutter's hot reload capability ensures developers can quickly complete apps.


In addition, this feature makes it possible for developers to understand real-time changes leading to quick development.


Flutter Supports Cross-Platform Development.


Businesses that want to cater to a wide range of people must invest money in creating iOS and Android apps separately. This is a huge investment. However, with Flutter, businesses can create cross-platform apps with native-like performance on both platforms.


Flutter Offers Exceptional Customization.


Creating complex applications with Flutter is a breeze. At AddWeb Solution, we often work with businesses looking to create complex apps.


We use Flutter for the project as it offers a plethora of features and libraries that enable extensive customizations.


Flutter Has a Great Community.


The community behind Flutter is its biggest advantage. On Reddit, it has more than 117K followers, and on GitHub, it boasts 157K stars. This means that many developers and professionals work on the platform to make it better.


They also have a variety of tutorials, guides, and ebooks, enabling beginners and newcomers to use the platform.


It Offers Minimized Handling.


Flutter makes mobile app development quick and easy compared to other app development frameworks in the market. You can even do it with the help of a small team.


And you also get timely and extensive support from the Flutter community online worldwide.

Limitations of Flutter

Flutter is among the most used app development frameworks in the world. But it does not mean that it is flawless. The framework has a few limitations you need to be aware of as well.


Limited Support for Other Operating Systems.


That’s right. Apart from iOS and Android, there are other OSs like Windows and Blackberry. But Flutter does not support creating apps for those Operating Systems.


This limits the application of Flutter for businesses that want to create apps specifically for operating systems other than Android and iOS.


Smaller Developer Community.


Being a relatively new framework, Flutter has a small developer community. Despite having impressive numbers, it pales in comparison to many other frameworks, although Flutter is better in terms of usability, features, etc.


As the community is small, it can make resolving issues at times more challenging.

An Overview of Vue JS

Vue.js is an open-source JavaScript framework. It is used for building user interfaces and single-page applications. Evan You developed the platform in 2014. The objective behind the framework was to make developing web apps easier and simpler.


Vue JS also offers a flexible and approachable framework to build highly interactive and dynamic user interfaces. This is one of the key reasons why businesses use Vue JS for mobile apps.


In 2023, Vue JS is used by 4.2 million users, underlining its rank among the most popular JavaScript libraries in the market.

Benefits of Using Vue JS for Mobile App Development

Benefits of Using Vue JS for Mobile App Development


Let’s look at some of the top benefits of using Vue JS for developing mobile applications.


It Offers an Impeccable User Interface.


Vue JS focuses on providing the best user interfaces for businesses. This focus leads to faster loading times, better user experience, and optimum performance across different browsers and devices.


This enables developers to use Vue JS to create beautiful and engaging user interfaces for their apps.


It Ensures Faster Applications.


Vue JS can improve the speed of the apps developed using the framework. This becomes increasingly important for businesses that want to deliver the best user experience for their app users.


Combining the speed with Vue JS’s innate UI capabilities, the user experience is second to none in the market.


It Is Highly Flexible.


By its nature, Vue JS is very flexible. One can find numerous libraries and a range of plugins within the Vue JS framework to create mobile apps.


This enables businesses to add any number of features and capabilities to the apps, leading to better user experience and satisfaction.


It Has a Strong Community to Support.


As the framework is developed from JavaScript, it has a huge community online to provide adequate and timely support to everyone using it. That’s why businesses often hire dedicated Vue JD developers in India to work on their projects.


If they ever encounter any issue, they have tutorials, guides, and documents from the community to rely on.


It Has a Short Learning Curve.


Learning Vue JS is not a challenging task. If you are already familiar with JavaScript, it will be easier for most people to understand the way the framework functions.


This easy learning makes it more accessible to anyone looking to build a career in mobile app development or create an app for their business.

Limitations of Vue JS

Although Vue JS has an excellent list of advantages, it is not free from limitations. Here are a couple of limitations of the framework you need to consider before you hire dedicated Vue JS developers.


Lightweight Framework.


While it may be beneficial for smaller apps, it can become a huge hindrance to the app’s performance as you may need to rely on numerous third-party plugins, packages, libraries, etc. This leads to the app’s size getting large and the performance going down.


It Lacks Scalability.


Vue JS is hard to scale as businesses grow. It can become an issue for many businesses when using Vue JS for their apps.


Therefore, businesses looking to grow and expand may be well off choosing another framework like Flutter that supports scalability.

Flutter vs Vue JS: Which Framework Should You Go With?

Now that we have learned about both these platforms, it is time to understand how they fare against each other.




  • Stability


  • Customization


  • Learning Curve


  • Performance


  • Ecosystem




  • Flutter is a relatively stable framework for app development. Thanks to its strong community, it has all the support it needs to grow and thrive.


  • Although it does not have an extensive customization option due to its widget-based architecture, it has many pre-built widgets allowing better customization options.


  • Flutter has a considerable learning curve when compared to Vue JS. If you have not used or worked on object-oriented programming, Flutter is a challenging platform to learn.


  • Flutter, thanks to its Dart programming, is popular for its excellent performance. Hence, it can be used for complex apps as needed by large and small businesses.


  • Flutter has a strong and extensive tooling and ecosystem, which makes it suitable for various app development projects.


Vue JS


  • Compared to Flutter, Vue JS is more stable thanks to it being in the market for a few more years than Flutter.


  • Due to its component-based design, you can use the same to develop different types of components for any type of web app development project.


  • The learning process of Vue JS is simpler and more straightforward. Hence, beginners can quickly learn the framework for app development.


  • Vue JS is not as good as Flutter when it comes to performance due to its reliance on third-party plugins, libraries, etc. Hence it is not suitable for resource-intensive apps.


  • While not as extensive as Flutter's, Vue JS also has an excellent tooling and ecosystem to help developers and ease the stress on them during development projects.


As you can see, both frameworks have their own applications, benefits, and limitations. Hence, when you look to develop an app for your business, consider what you want from the apps to make a final decision between Flutter and Vue JS.


If you are looking for more customization and flexibility, Vue JS is the best option. It is also suitable for small applications.


Flutter would be the best option if you are a startup business looking for more performance. It can also offer you a more synergized tooling setting with better scalable options.


Related Article: The Power of Vue.js for Frontend Development: Everything You Need to Know

How Can AddWeb Solution Help?

We provide professional and customized Vue JS and Flutter development services to businesses looking to create the best mobile apps for their customers. Over the years, we have developed numerous mobile apps using Flutter and Vue JS for businesses from diverse industries.


Here are a few reasons why businesses hire dedicated Flutter app developers in India from AddWeb Solution.


We have a team of experienced and qualified Flutter and Vue JD developers. This ensures that you get to fully leverage the frameworks when developing the app.


You can hire dedicated Vue JS developers or Flutter developers from us based on your project requirements. This means that you get to customize the packages that we offer as you need.


We offer multiple engagement packages for our clients. This ensures that you can pick a package that falls within your budget. And we ensure maximum value for every single penny you invest.


Our technology infrastructure is top-notch. As such, you can easily utilize the latest features and capabilities of these frameworks when developing your app.


Get any concerns or challenges resolved with the help of our dedicated customer service. In addition, you can also speak to the project management about the issues for faster resolution.


Of course, choosing the right mobile app development platform is crucial for a business to ensure impeccable apps. But having the right platform is only one side of the story. To ensure a feature-rich, secure, and high-performing mobile app, you need to work with an agency that can offer Flutter or Vue JS development services.


That’s where we can help you. AddWeb Solution has been offering tailor-made Vue JS and Flutter development services for businesses for numerous years. With our cost-effective development services, you can deliver your users with impeccable experience.


Talk to our client service team and learn how we can work together to bring alive your mobile app ideas using Flutter or Vue JS based on your needs.


Speak to us now.