How Agile Methodology Transforms the Organizational Framework? Skip to main content

Transforms the Organizational Framework?

Saurabh Dhariwal

Saurabh Dhariwal

Agile Methodology

In the ever-evolving tech industry, innovation is the pinnacle for success. Innovation need not be caged to technology; rather the approach for developing technology also needs innovation, hence Agile Methodology. It helps organizations to co-create, converse, and collaborate, which enhances performance, reliability, flexibility, and speed.

Being Agile

The question arises, what it truly means to go Agile? Co-ordination, rapidity, and flexibility are the foundations for Agile. In this evolving technological world, adapting to Agile will transform your business. It will bring transparency and bring the inter-team conversation to the front. The organizations can develop software in the form of increments that are not just faster and efficient but can adapt to the modifications needed by the clients, thereby being transparent to the stakeholders. In Agile methodology, team management and productivity will support the framework of incremental or iterative progress of work priority. The most widely used Agile processes are SCRUM, XP, DSDM, etc. These frameworks are the origin of Agile and are based on adapting to change, which will, in turn, help in achieving success for a project.

Organizational Agility

Agile methodology is a solution to the inflexible plan based project management such as 'waterfall.' This was a rigid method with less room for modifications in the project. Organizations using the Agile development of software provide transparency and get complete involvement of their clients. It is challenging to accommodate changes, but not impossible. To reap the benefits, focusing on the sustainability of the software is important than just having a robust generic structure. The use of the Agility framework provides stakeholders transparency while developing the increments. It also gives control over the risk management of every increment that is developed. So, the goal of the organization is to build a consistent and well-integrated increment, which reflects the requirements of the client. The approach can be distinct to every product that is being developed by the organization, as every organization has its own way of doing it, which can make the process easy.

Who Uses Agile Scrum Methodology?

Lately, Scrum is widely used by the software industries around the globe for software development as it is one of the most popular approaches. The software teams use Scrum or Hybrid Scrum methods for agile project management.

The Agile Manifesto

The need of the hour is better and progressed ways of software development which will help the tech industry to a great extent. Through Agile adaptations, organizations can value the following assets.

  • Individuals who contribute rather than the process and tools.
  • The software which is valued over the traditional documentation.
  • Customer Satisfaction over contracts and negotiation.
  • Being responsive to change requests over planning.

The Principles of Agile

Principles of Agile

Involving Customer

The involvement of the customer in the process of development will be close. The importance of their feedback is very much accentuated. They will be the torchbearer for providing requirements, modifications as the development continues; also, customers give the priority and evaluate the system.


Incremental delivery

The software development process is iterative and incremental. Customers specify the requirements required for incremental delivery.


Priority for people

The utilization of team members to their maximum is essential. Their hard work is acknowledged in this process and maintained that people are the assets.


Embracing change

The system requirements keep changing with evolving development. Hence the organizations should be ready for embracing change.


Maintaining simplicity

The focus should be on the simplicity of the software that is developed. There should be an emphasis on eliminating the complexities of the system.

Benefits of Scrum approach

Benefits of Scrum approach

Organizations that have adopted Agile Scrum have experienced: 

  • Higher productivity
  • Better-quality products
  • Reduced time to market
  • Improved stakeholder satisfaction
  • Better team dynamics
  • Happier employees

Scrum Framework for Agile Process

Agile is an enclave for numerous iterative and incremental software development approaches, and every fragment makes use of its own Agile framework. Some of the sought-after Agile frameworks include Scrum, Crystal, Dynamic Systems Development Method, and Feature-Driven Development.


Predominantly, Scrum is the popular framework used for various software development projects that need to deliver new software within a duration of 2-4 weeks. It primarily influenced the Agile Manifesto that enunciates a set of values that provide a means to make decisions to facilitate the evolution of high and better quality software.


The Scrum brings out and addresses the downfalls of the traditional software development approaches such that people can observe and comply with the prevailing circumstances and provides transparency. Due to the continuous change in requirements needs recurring estimation of time, resources, and cost of to complete the increment, without compromising on the quality of software being developed.


Proper standards of documentation must be followed to maintain the transparency in Scrum development to assure that the product being built is as per the requirements specified by the client. Finally, deliver the product that was expected. Hence this needs continuous inspection, ensuring proper progress, and finds out any deviations early so as to fix the differences quickly. The widely-used Scrum events universally accepted are Sprint Planning, Daily Scrum, or "Stand Up," Review, and Retrospective.

Add the New Agility Dimension to Your Organizational Framework with AddWeb Agile Solutions

AddWeb Solutions will work with your team to understand your challenges and design a solution that fits best with your corporate culture. The experts will bring your teams closer and help them work towards achieving highly efficient team collaboration. With expert solutions, AWS helps your teams to take responsibilities of their tasks and perform to the best level. AWS helps you address all your blockers and devise a plan utilizing Agile methodologies, by breaking down the modifications in software to smaller incremental units, and move ahead with full steam and help you release your product on time to the market.

No matter the size of a team or the type of the product, AWS tailors the solution which fits your organization the best. They make sure that you give the world an accurate, speedy, and reliable product with great Agile Solutions.

Frequently Asked Questions

What exactly is Agile methodology, and how does it differ from traditional project management?

Agile is like a modern magic spell for projects. It's a flexible approach that prioritizes collaboration, adaptability, and delivering small, valuable pieces of work, unlike traditional rigid methods.

How does Agile transform the way organizations operate?

Think of Agile as a transformation wizard. It reshapes how teams work together, fostering a culture of collaboration, adaptability, and a customer-focused mindset across the entire organization.

What's the significance of collaboration in the Agile framework, and how does it benefit teams?

Collaboration is the heartbeat of Agile. It brings teams together, encourages open communication, and ensures everyone is working towards a shared goal, creating a culture of shared success.

How does Agile contribute to quicker project delivery and getting products to market faster?

Agile is like a speed booster for projects. By breaking down work into smaller, manageable chunks and delivering them incrementally, it speeds up project delivery, reducing time-to-market significantly.

Can Agile be applied beyond software development, reaching other departments in an organization?

Absolutely! Agile is a superhero for all departments. While born in software, its principles can be applied to marketing, HR, and beyond, bringing efficiency and adaptability to various areas.

How does Agile handle changing priorities and requirements during a project?

Agile is your change companion. It welcomes changes, adapting to evolving priorities and requirements gracefully, ensuring the project stays aligned with the organization's goals.

What impact does Agile have on customer satisfaction and the overall quality of products?

Agile is your customer happiness agent. Involving customers throughout development and emphasizing continuous feedback ensures high product quality and customer satisfaction.

How does Agile enhance the visibility and transparency of project progress?

Agile is like a project spotlight. It introduces practices like daily check-ins and visual charts, offering real-time visibility into project progress and fostering transparency and accountability.