Key Factors That Can Affect Cost of Your eCommerce Mobile App| Addweb Skip to main content

That Can Affect Cost of Your eCommerce Mobile App

Saurabh Dhariwal

Saurabh Dhariwal

eCommerce Mobile App

It is surprising how things we cannot even imagine that affect our lives. Just look at the new strain of coronavirus! A few weeks back, nations have started absorbing the new normal and began their lives. But the new strain has shaken the lives of individuals once again. While the uncontrolled and unpredictable circumstances posed by COVID-19 have badly hit most businesses, some businesses like eCommerce have shown tremendous growth in the past couple of months.


Having an eCommerce app & website is a convenient option for both the consumers and the companies. It is predicted that by 2021 mobile purchases will be worth $3.56 trillion. It clearly shows that eCommerce app development is a far better option than creating an online store website in the future.


The mobile app for eCommerce business boosts brand awareness, marketing, and brings excellent user experience and helps retailers enable personalized engagement with the target audience. And therefore, more and more retailers are opting for eCommerce mobile app development instead of creating an online store website.


Maybe you are aware of the process of developing an eCommerce app, but what about the cost? Are you aware of how much an eCommerce app development cost? If no, then keep reading the blog post to know the different factors affecting the cost of developing an eCommerce app.

Major factors that decide the cost of mobile apps for eCommerce business

  • eCommerce app Platform:


It is one of the very basic things that significantly affect the cost of developing an eCommerce app. Are you going to hire an eCommerce development company to build an Android app or iOS app or Windows? Usually, creating an Android app is a little costlier than iOS or Windows since it requires more time to develop and test. That greatly increases the overall cost of developing an app. Make sure you make the right decision about the platform you prefer for your business.


eCommerce Mobile App

  • eCommerce mobile app Design:


A good design and excellent user experience are the two main pillars of any mobile app's success. The cost of developing an eCommerce app increases if you want to create an engaging and excellent design since it requires a mixture of advanced technologies and more time from UI or UX designers to design wireframes and layouts. Usually, the cost of a wireframe ranges between $500 to $1500. However, it depended on the number of pages that are going to be added to your app.


readymade eCommerce Mobile App

  • Size of an eCommerce app:


When it comes to the size of an eCommerce app, it is dependent on the total number of features and functionalities you wish to offer. The more the parts or functionalities, the costlier your app will be. In general, the eCommerce app costs around $2000 to $30000 based on the app's size. However, you can control the cost by considering only the core features at the time of launch and decide later upon the additional features based on the response you receive from the customers.


  • eCommerce development company or developer cost:


The geographical location, technical expertise, and industry experience of an eCommerce development company or a developer you hire significantly affect the eCommerce app development cost. For example, if you hire an eCommerce development company or developer from the US or Canada, it costs approximately $50 to $250 per hour. On the other hand, developers from locations like India hardly cost around $10 to $80 per hour.


  • App maintenance:


Once your eCommerce app is launched, it requires constant updates and maintenance to ensure its stability. Therefore, you must keep in mind the app maintenance cost as well. Usually, the eCommerce app's maintenance cost is 20% or 30% of the development cost. However, the price may vary based on the complexity and size of the app.

Anything else???

Yes, of course! Apart from the factors discussed above, there are a few other things that may lift your eCommerce mobile app's budget. It would be best if you also considered marketing, license, third-party integration, and app support costs while deciding on a budget of your eCommerce app. In general, you can consider the cost of each of these activities approximately $500 to $2000. However, there is another way you can save huge on your eCommerce app development, and that is to opt for a readymade eCommerce app builder like AddWeb Shop. Such ready-to-use platforms simplify the overall process to launch your mobile app in a short time.


Readymade eCommerce App


If you consider all these factors discussed in the blog post, the approximate cost to develop an eCommerce app ranges between $30000 to $170000. On the other hand, eCommerce app builders like AddWeb Shop can significantly reduce your eCommerce app development cost. Are you looking for an eCommerce development company to help you get the right mobile app for your eCommerce business? Or looking for a React Native eCommerce app? Get in touch with our experts now to know more.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does the choice of features impact the cost of an eCommerce mobile app?

The more features and functionalities you include in your app, the higher the development cost. Customized features, such as advanced search, personalized recommendations, and social media integration, can increase costs.

Does the choice of mobile app platform (iOS, Android, or both) affect the development cost?

Yes, developing for multiple platforms generally increases the cost. Each platform requires separate development efforts and testing. The choice between iOS, Android, or cross-platform development depends on your target audience and business goals.

How do the app's user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) design impact the overall cost?

Investing in a well-designed and user-friendly interface is crucial but can contribute to higher costs. Customized designs, animations, and a seamless user experience may require more time and resources.

What role does app complexity play in determining the development cost?

Complex features, intricate business logic, and advanced functionalities contribute to increased development time and, subsequently, higher costs. Simple apps with basic features are generally more cost-effective.

How does the choice between native and hybrid app development affect costs?

Native apps, built specifically for a single platform, may require more development time and cost compared to hybrid apps that can run on multiple platforms. The decision depends on factors like performance requirements and user experience goals.

What impact do third-party integrations have on the overall cost of an eCommerce app?

Integrating third-party services, such as payment gateways, CRM systems, or analytics tools, can add to the development cost. Considering the necessity and complexity of these integrations in the project is essential.

Are there ongoing costs after the initial development, such as maintenance and updates?

Yes, ongoing maintenance, updates, and support contribute to the total cost of ownership. Regular updates are necessary for security, bug fixes, and compatibility with new device versions.

How does the choice of a development team or agency impact the cost of an eCommerce mobile app?

The expertise and location of the development team can affect costs. Highly skilled teams or agencies may charge higher rates. Offshore development might be more cost-effective, but balancing cost with quality is crucial.

Is it possible to accurately estimate the cost of developing an e-commerce mobile app?

While providing an exact estimate without detailed project requirements is challenging, a reputable development team can provide a realistic cost estimate based on features, design complexity, and development time.