Major 10 Reasons Why You Should choose Laravel Skip to main content

Why You Should choose Laravel

Ashish Jain

Ashish Jain

Major 10 Reasons Why You Should Choose Laravel

If you are planning to develop a new PHP application, apart from hiring Laravel Development Company that includes all the features you need, you must also need to learn some basic aspects. In this blog post, we will help you to understand the primary 10 reasons to choose Laravel for your next web application development project. 


In the world of software development, the term ‘web application’ refers to the file library that stores many basic functions. The goal of the web application is to provide a foundation for you to develop your projects more efficiently. For an example, imagine you are testing a new recipe. You must purchase the necessary ingredients that will be prepared according to the procedures given. But, you will also need some utensils such as pots, pans, cutlery, cutting board, etc. In this example, basic kitchen appliances represent frameworks. Without them you would have much more difficulty preparing the ingredients. Frameworks work the same way, so you don't have to reinvent the wheel over and over again.

Important Features of Laravel

Important features of Laravel

When talking about PHP framework, one of the most popular names is Laravel. This framework is known for its elegant syntax which is easy to learn, and enjoyable to work with. With Laravel, you get to work on your projects quickly. You can also save a lot of time, and work with access to functions such as user authentication, section management, and caching. Overall, Laravel has all the tools you need to build a modern web application. 


If you're interested to know the reasons why Laravel is a good fit, it's easy to find out. Firstly, the essence of Laravel is solid in relation to performance. And you can extend the functionality of the framework with extensions. Laravel also integrates with third party services, which enables the development of highly scalable applications. In this case, choosing the best Laravel web development company will be the ideal choice for you. 


A framework that prides itself on its elegant syntax.

  • Extended features with add-ons.
  • Native functions for working with user management, caching and more.
  • Integration with external platforms such as AWS.
  • Asynchronous task execution for better performance.
  • Lastly, Laravel has an active community. Which means getting help is not a difficult task.

Overview of Laravel Ecosystem

  • Laravel Development Environments

Laravel offers two major development environments, one of which runs on Mac and another comes with pre-packaged Vagrant so you can virtually do anything that you want. Laravel Valet and Laravel Homestead are the two major development environments that you would like to check out in detail.


  • Laravel Packages and Tools

The major packages and tools offered by Laravel are Passport, Scout, Dusk, Socialite, Echo, Elixir, Cashier, and Envoy. Among these major Laravel tools, Dusk is a new tool that is useful in end-to-end browser testing for all kinds of Javascript applications.


  • Laravel Homestead

It is an official pre=packaged vagrant box which comes with ready-to-use development environment which does not require installation of PHP, web server or any other configuration on your local machine. It is completely disposable as in if something goes wrong then you can simply destroy and re-create another box within minutes.


  • Laravel Nova

For an attractively designed administration panel or dashboard you would like to choose something like Nova. It has been designed and developed to offer you the most productive and best admin panel of your choice.


  • Laravel Telescope

An interesting and efficient debugging assistant offered in the Laravel ecosystem enabling developers to perform a wide range of activities including database queries, queued jobs, mail, notifications, cache operations, scheduled tasks, etc.


Apart from the list of features and functionalities offered by the Laravel community there are several other reasons why you should be choosing the platform for application development. Check this out:

Why Laravel is so good?

Why Laravel is so good?

If this is your first time using a framework, you must avail the professional Laravel development service which has become a great option. Now, it is time to witness the top 10 reasons.


  • Template engine blade

MVC design system is supported by Laravel. So that we can easily classify the creation of complex, and large web applications by supporting a separate user interface, and business logic level. At the same time, Laravel is equipped with the Blade template engine. You can use Blade to attach simple PHP code to a view, and compile views to PHP code.

Therefore, you can improve the website’s performance by compiling PHP code views, and caching code until you change the views. The blade server also facilitates data display, and layout expansion without affecting application speed.


  • Authentication library

Laravel also makes it easy to create secure Internet applications by implementing a variety of authentication. The built-in authentication library also has a number of security features, including data encryption, creation of login pages, prevention of cross-fiscal verification (CSRF), and the ability to reset passwords by users.


  • Events

You can easily increase Laravel performance, and modularity using events. You also have the opportunity to use events to create class subscriptions, and listen to events on the website. This feature will help you to keep track of what’s happening on your site, and complete specific tasks, even if they happen. You can optionally add or remove tasks that will be performed based on certain events by writing custom functions. 


  • Queues

You can easily increase the performance and speed of the Laravel queue. Using queues, you can pause long or time-consuming tasks. Delaying the execution of tasks over time will lead to the fact that the application will quickly perform normal tasks, and will more effectively respond to user requests. At the same time, you also have the option of integrating queues from Amazon SQS, Redid, Beanstalk, Iron, and similar queue services.


  • Routing middleware

Laravel supports HTTP middleware. Middleware adds extra layers to the HTTP route. You can continue to use route middleware to more efficiently complete certain routes in applications. In addition, the middleware allows you to test, and delete individual queries, and delete all normal layers. This feature makes it easy to optimize the interaction between the web server, and the application without using third-party tools.


  • Automated Testing

With the latest features of Laravel Dusk you can avail the automated testing features and API. By choosing Dusk you can run dynamic Javascript applications using browser and PHPunit assertions. In fact, Laravel Dusk is pretty simple to install and it even does not require JDK or Selenium on your system. However, you can choose the Selenium version of your choice but it is not required as Dusk uses a Chrome driver of its own. 


  • Talking ORM system

Laravel is equipped with in build Eloquent ORM. This system will let you design, and develop the project with the databases with an Active Record implementation, and perform typical database operations through a model. Therefore, you can simply define the model without performing any critical SQL queries, and perform typical database operations. As well as you will be able to use this typical database synchronize to other databases which are running on other development systems. 


  • Caching

You can use the primary caching process which is offered by Laravel if you want to perform simple caching tasks such as storing objects in a database or file. At the same time, you also have the opportunity to seamlessly integrate your web structure with popular caching systems such as Redis, APC, and “Me” cached. As a result, you can easily improve the performance of large-scale Internet applications by integrating a robust buffering system with Laravel.


  • Routing cache

This web platform also offers a route cache to provide the basic caching process. This platform also offers route cache. A new feature included with Laravel 5 speeds up the route registration process. With the single command wizard several routes can be registered. With the deployment of the route buffering, the performance of the website can be increased which supports more routes. This feature allows PHP applications to support more than 100 routes in a fast and efficient way.


  • Be Advance

You can choose the latest Laravel version 6.0 which comes with a wide range of advance features and functionalities. Although the previous version was 5.8 but as per Otwell, the version 6 feels like moving from 5.8 to 5.9. Moreover, it comes with some of the major updates like middleware jobs and coding support, lazy collections to keep the memory usage low, and enhancement of eloquent subquery. In addition to this, there are many other updates and upgrades in the latest versions which we will soon be covering in our next post. 


  • Your Take Away

Given all the facts analysed, it is clear that this framework is among the best today as it always succeeds in meeting all the demands of web development. Any web application development company can confirm the advantages of using those features within a large project.


If you want to handle everything properly then you should Hire a Laravel developer. Yet, choosing a framework should go beyond just tools. It must incorporate in-depth market knowledge, challenges, project requirements, and the expertise of a skilled team.

Frequently Asked Questions

What sets Laravel apart from other web development frameworks?

Laravel is special because it combines elegance and functionality. It simplifies complex tasks, speeds up development, and offers a clean and expressive syntax.

How can Laravel save time during the development process?

Think of Laravel as a time-saving wizard. It comes with built-in tools and features that reduce coding time, making the development process faster without compromising quality.

Is Laravel a secure choice for building websites?

Absolutely! Laravel takes security seriously. It has features like secure password storage, protection against common security threats, and robust authentication systems.

Can Laravel grow with my project as it expands?

Laravel is your growth partner. It supports modular development, making it easy to scale applications as your project evolves. It ensures your website can handle more traffic and features.

How does Laravel simplify database management for websites and applications?

Laravel is like a database maestro. Its Eloquent ORM simplifies database interactions, providing an elegant and efficient way to handle and manipulate data.

Does Laravel play well with other technologies and tools?

Absolutely! Laravel is a team player. It seamlessly integrates with third-party APIs, tools, and services, offering flexibility and making it a versatile choice for various projects.

How does Laravel contribute to the performance optimization of websites and applications?

Laravel is a performance champ. With caching, queuing, and optimization tools, it ensures your website runs smoothly and delivers a fast and seamless user experience.

Can Laravel be used for building real-time applications?

Yes, indeed! Laravel is like a real-time magician. It comes with features like event broadcasting, making it exciting and practical for building real-time applications.

How can I get started with Laravel for my project?

It's as simple as reaching out. Connect with Laravel development services, discuss your project goals, and let the journey of building innovative and powerful web solutions begin.