ReactJS Development – 7 Global Brands Using ReactJS Apps Skip to main content

7 Websites Made with React for Performance and Better UX

Saurabh Dhariwal

Saurabh Dhariwal

React.js for App Development

React.js is one of the most popular JavaScript libraries for creating UI and single-page websites. In fact, 19 million websites in the world use React. It is also popular among developers as ReactJS development is quick and efficient.


So, what makes React such a great JavaScript library? And what are the most famous ReactJS websites now?


Let’s find that out in this blog post.

7 Top Sites Built with ReactJS

7 Top Sites Built with ReactJS


From Facebook to Instagram, Netflix, and Dropbox, you will find diverse websites that are built with ReactJS.


Let’s try to understand each of these famous ReactJS websites.




  • Website:


Facebook is a social networking website founded in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg and other Harvard University students. It was designed to provide an online platform for university students to connect with each other and share information. Nearly two decades later, Facebook is now the world’s premier business with billions of users and dollars in revenue.


Although written originally in PHP, it was rescripted using ReactJS, which enables the platform to create intricate and expansive apps without page reload.


ReactJS is used across the app in key areas such as:


  • News feed
  • Messenger
  • Ads




  • Website:


Instagram is an image and short video-sharing platform. It was founded in 2010 by Mike Krieger and Kevin Systrom, and in 2012, it was acquired by Facebook. The application enables users to share and edit images and short videos with their followers. It is also one of the sleekest sites built with ReactJS.


ReactJS is used to build Instagram as the framework’s capability to create dynamic and smooth interfaces greatly helps the social media application.


In addition, the code developed in React is easy to read and debug, which makes the Instagram team’s job easier. This is also what makes Instagram debug issues and add new features quickly for a better user experience.




  • Website:


The most popular streaming network in the world, Netflix, was launched in 2007. It is now available in 190 countries with over 200 million subscribers. They have programming available in almost all major languages in the world.


The streaming giant uses ReactJS to its benefit extensively. Netflix is among the first few companies to adopt ReactJS for their web apps. As Netflix’s mobile and TV apps offer infinite scrolling, ReactJS is perfect for the app.


As ReactJS is also cross-platform compatible, it makes Netflix bring its service to devices running on Android, iOS, Windows, etc.




  • Website:


Dropbox is a software solution that offers cloud file storage capabilities to its users. It was founded by Drew Houston and Arash Ferdowsi in 2007.


The app can be downloaded to a local system and used to save files. It then syncs the files with Dropbox, which makes the files available across all synced systems with the user’s account. Users can also use the platform to share the files with other users by creating shareable links.


Dropbox has a simple UI, which makes it easier to use and interact with. And this is made possible by the UI development capabilities of ReactJS.




  • Website:


One of the most famous ReactJS websites, Airbnb is an online travel booking platform. It enables users to search for vacation rentals across the world and book the same.


With over 4 million listings on its site, Airbnb serves millions of users every month from over 191 countries.


Thanks to ReactJS, the platform is extremely user-friendly and easy to navigate. The brand also makes constant improvements to its UI, thanks to ReactJS’s quick development capabilities.


X (Twitter)


  • Website:


X (formerly Twitter) is a classic example of single-page sites built with ReactJS having a simple, intuitive, and smart UI. The short-message platform was conceived in 2006 by a team of four. The user experience provided by X is the major reason all major figures in the world, including world leaders, government officials, celebrities, etc., constantly use the platform.


ReactJS is the chief technology that made X an extremely user-friendly app. The responsive interface of the app has been developed with React, and it enables the developers to create components that can be updated without page reload.


X also leverages the capability of React with respect to cookies, which can render a unique, personalized experience to its users every single time.




  • Website:


Slack is a project management solution used by global brands around the world. It was incepted in 2013, and since then, it has grown to become one of the top productivity platforms in the market not.


The major reason for the popularity of the app, despite the availability of similar apps, is its simple design and easy-to-use interface. This is due to the platform’s usage of ReactJS.


Many of the positive reviews that the platform received over the years emphasize how intuitive the UI is and how the platform’s interface is effortless to learn and use.


Related Article: What Makes ReactJS an ideal choice for Enterprise App Development?

Why Do These Brands Use ReactJS?

All the above-mentioned business giants use ReactJS for their websites due to the benefits that the framework offers. The growing popularity and customer satisfaction of these platforms attest to the capability of the framework.


Here are a few reasons why these businesses use ReactJS development and why you must also hire ReactJS developers for your next app project.


ReactJS is fast


No one wants to use a service that takes a lot of time for the components to load. And ReactJS is one that is known for its speed. It uses a virtual DOM, which renders all its components faster than other JS libraries.


ReactJS is highly flexible


Thanks to being a component-based library, ReactJS is extremely flexible. You can easily cook up reusable and maintainable codes rather quickly with the framework.


Excellent scalability options


Every business wants to grow. Most of the time, one change growing businesses face is scaling their digital assets as they grow. With ReactJS, it is never an issue. You can scale the apps built with ReactJS as much as you want since ReactJS allows for extreme scalability.


Write HTML directly


ReactJS supports JSX, which is a JavaScript extension. This allows you to create HTML code right within the ReactJS code. This capability speeds up the development process for your ReactJS development company, as there is no need to switch between files as you develop the apps.


Support from an active community


ReactJS has a strong community to provide timely support and advice about the framework. You can find support and help for any issue you can with the framework quickly online. The community also works to improve the framework and its capabilities regularly.

What Makes AddWeb Solution the Best ReactJS Development Company?

AddWeb Solution has built our ReactJS expertise over the last decade, working on numerous projects and apps.


The following service qualities have also helped us become the top ReactJS development company we are today. This is also why we are confident of providing you with ReactJS development services to leverage the platform for your brand.


We know ReactJS inside out


AddWeb Solution constantly works on diverse ReactJS development projects. This renders us experts in the field as we leverage all possibilities of the framework for our clients.


Our services are affordable for all


When you hire ReactJS developers from us, pricing will never be an area of concern. We offer you the exact service packages that you need. Hence, you get maximum value for your investments.


Our team understands the industry


Technology trends change every year. The users need a better and fresh experience from all platforms. With ReactJS, both of these are easily possible. And our ReactJS development services team knows the industry well enough to create top-notch and trendy UI and UX for your app.


We always adhere to global standards


Global brands hire ReactJS developers from AddWeb Solution for diverse projects. This makes us familiar with all types of quality and accessibility compliances. Hence, when you work with our ReactJS development agency, you will never have to worry about any type of benchmarks as we always exceed them.


We offer comprehensive customer support


Customer service is a huge part of any ReactJS development project. At AddWeb Solution, we offer timely support to all our clients. Whether you need it during or after the project, we are here to help.


Related Article: How to Hire React Developer Cost-Effectively A Guide to Help You Choose Right


Every business wants to build the best websites to bring in more sales and revenue. An intuitive and high-performing website is a must to achieve this goal. And ReactJS is among the top development frameworks that can help you do that. At the same time, you also need to hire ReactJS developers with years of experience and insights to realize your visions perfectly.


Being an experienced ReactJS development agency, we can help you with it using our ReactJS development services. As seen already, our teams have associated with various businesses from different parts of the world and delivered impeccable websites for them. Our portfolio is full of such websites.


Learn about our tailored offerings and how to hire ReactJS developers by speaking to our client service desk.