We Drupal Every Day: Discover Our Passion for Drupal Development Skip to main content

Drupal Every Day!

Ashish Jain

Ashish Jain


AddWeb Family lives in the new generation of Drupal! This is kind of a digital experience platform, wherein, it is known that the web content should be reaching more than just the websites. This has been built in a way that one can deliver the correct content at the correct time to the correct individual on the correct device.

AddWeb Family

Leading Drupal Development Company in Ahmedabad, Gujarat

If you are looking for a Drupal Development Company for your website development in Ahmedabad, Gujarat; we, at AddWeb Solution, take pride in being a top notch company in Drupal Development and Web Application Development! AddWeb Solution, as the name says, adds a permanent solution for your web application woes in Drupal. Ranging from Financial services, Health care, transport, E-Commerce, Non-profit organizations, to Education and training; there is no sector which is not covered by experienced professionals of AddWeb. AddWeb specializes in Drupal. We have 215+ Drupal completed projects, 10+ Modules contributed and 10+ Drupal Worldwide events sponsored and contributed as their credits. It is a one-stop solution for all your tech needs. AddWeb solution has done remarkable contribution to Drupal community by many inspiring talks. One such notable talk was on the topic “Women in Tech/Drupal” at the DrupalCamp, Frankfurt, Germany and at the Drupal Mountain Camp, Davos, Switzerland in 2017, where the contribution of women in Drupal development was discussed by Mr. Ashish.


Best Tools for Drupal Development

Drupal 8 is being used everywhere! Drupal development requires a combination of web servers, front-end frameworks, Cloud-based software, programming languages along with databases and testing tools.

Drupal 9 Is Ready! And AddWeb Is Ready For It?

Drupal 9 Is Ready

Drupal 9 is going to launch in June 2020. How is Drupal 9 differing from its earlier version Drupal 8 and what can we expect from Drupal 9.

AddWeb Is Well Aware of the Benefits of Drupal 9



Benefits of Drupal 9


  • Drupal 9 Development is being made on Drupal 8 which means there is no extra set of code written for Drupal 9. A new functionality Backwards-compatible code is added with experimental features.
  • There is an embedded media library for the ease of authors who use Drupal 9. Once Drupal 9 becomes functional, there is no need to add media externally. Users can add them internally.
  • Symfony 3 – Drupal 8’s dependent web application framework is going to end in November 2021, which means bugs arising from symphony 3 will not be fixed after November 2021. Drupal 9’s dependency will be either on Symfony 4 or 5.

AddWeb’s Readiness for Drupal 9!

To be ready for Drupal 9, there’s an essential to-do list mentioned below:

  • Ensure that you have updated your website(s) with any latest minor releases that come now and till June 2020.
  • Check the readiness of the modules you have been using! You can use the “Update Status” project for checking both the contributed projects, as well as any of the custom modules that you might be using.

Drupal Staff Augmentation

Benefits of Drupal 9

With the news of advent of Drupal 9 round the corner, supplementing professionals with vivid and in-depth experience of designing, developing and strategizing is the need of the hour. AddWeb Solution encourages its highly experienced Drupal technocrats to upgrade their skills to be well-equipped with Drupal 9. Drupal 9 Staff augmentation will help as follows:

  • Reduces cost of a full time worker and yet fulfills the surging demands of a new development.
  • With staff augmentation, as an employer, you can meet demanding deadlines and increased workload, anytime.
  • By outsourcing, the risk factors are also minimized as you can definitely rely on a credible company to do so instead of man power hunting yourself.
  • If engaged with the proper skill set, your projects can be game changing with amazing output.

AddWeb Is Active in Community!

According to Dries Buytaert’s website, the open source pioneer, who invented Drupal, AddWeb solution ranks 19th in the year 2018 among the top 30 companies in the contribution made for the Drupal development. In 2019, our Drupal technocrats were able to increase the percentage of contribution due to improved research and active participation which made us to attain 16th among other companies. We continue to strive hard to reach the top in the coming years.


Active in Community



We are in a partnership with Acquia foundation by Dries Buytaert – an open source digital experience company whose software and services are built around Drupal. There are around 40 people from AddWeb in drupal.org with professional expertise in drupal development and with significant issue credits.

AddWeb’s Participation in Drupal Events

We have participated as a sponsor of more than 10 events. Following are the events where we made our presence felt in sponsorship and have also participated as a volunteer in many events worldwide.


Our presence at Drupal Events

  • Sponsors at DrupalCon Dublin 2016.
  • Sponsors at DrupalCamp Brighton 2016.
  • Sponsors at DrupalCamp London 2016.


Volunteering in Drupal Events

  • Volunteer at DrupalCamp London 2016.
  • Volunteer at DrupalCon Asia 2016.
  • Volunteer at the DrupalGovCon, Bethesda, MD 2015.
  • The Partner as well as the Volunteer @NYCCamp in New York, USA, in the year 2015. DrupalCon LA 2015.
  • Volunteer at Drupal Camp London, 2015.
  • DrupalCamp Brighton 2015.


Giving Back to the Community!

  • Continuing our endeavour towards the community, we recently started the official chapter of Ahmedabad Drupal Meet-up to spread a word about Drupal and build a stronger community in our local area.
  • Have also hosted the party for Drupal 8’s Release in the local community area in the state of Gujarat, in India.

AddWeb Portfolio

We provide multi-dimensional Drupal services with an innovative approach which helps in streamlining the client’s business process. We follow agile methodology with project specific flexibility for execution. Flawless solutions and timely deliveries are the mottoes of the AddWeb solution. The testimonials of clients from start-ups, SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises) and Fortune 500 companies are the result of consistent hard work and dedication. Examples of some prominent work done by AddWeb in Drupal

CBE International

CBE International is a nonprofit website speaking for equality as explained Bible. CBE is a Drupal being the fundamental forte of #AddWeb, we recently migrated CBE Drupal 7 site to Drupal 8 from scratch.

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Drupal 8 to 9 Upgrade & Migration

Upgrade & Migration

AddWeb Solution is always up to date with the technology advancement and well-acquainted with the new versions as well. To deliver compelling content through Drupal, migration to Drupal 9 is inevitable. As Drupal 9 is targeted for the release in June 2020, many of you might be wondering about the preparations needed for the same. The good news is that this upgrade would be rather an easier one, easier than the previous upgrade that was from Drupal 7 to Drupal 8. Upgrade from 8 to 9 would be easy if you have been regularly checking for and removing the use of the deprecated code. So, the only caveat would be to manage the "deprecated code" well. If your website is not using the deprecated code, which is scheduled for removal in Drupal 9, then your Drupal 8 to 9upgrade and migration would be an easy one!


According to a recent study, there are approximately 18 lakh Drupal customers, around 5 lakh live websites using Drupal and an additional 11 lakh sites that used Drupal historically. Drupal is the 5th most popular CMS in India in Open-source category. From the market share trends and statistics, it is clear that the future scope of Drupal is very huge. There is an enormous growth of Drupal CMS compared to other open-source CMS. With its super flexible working environment and upgrades to the highly improvised Drupal 9, it is going to become an amazing Content Management System with lots of career options to explore.

At AddWeb, we love Drupal!