AddWeb Helped SkinMotion US-Based AR Soundwave Tattoo Provider with DevOps Services Skip to main content
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The Business Needs

The pain points of Skin Motion

The primary objective of Skin Motion was to deploy the Kubernetes technology. One of the major issues was the roadblocks faced while uploading audio files. This compromised the website’s performance and the user experience to a great extent. Another concern was frequent bugs on the website after the deployment.

Skin Motion was looking for a professional agency to offer DevOps consulting to help them address all their concerns. Along with this, they wanted comprehensive DevOps services that could improve their website’s performance by;


  • Replace the existing GCP VM Instance with Kubernetes
  • Completing the deployment of Kubernetes
  • Help them with soundwave uploads without errors
  • Make the platform easier for resource and user management
  • Prevent cyberattacks in the future after a recent cyberattack


About Skin Motion: Skin Motion was envisaged as a comprehensive and intuitive network for people worldwide to make soundwave tattoos. Incepted in Southern California, Skin Motion licensed as many as 43 tattoo artists worldwide to create bespoke and creative soundwave tattoos. The platform also acts as a repository of tattoo artists with a Tattoo Artist Directory, helping you find an artist near you or ask your favorite artist to apply for free.

Our Approach

A closer peep into our approach to the project and our solution

As Skin Motion came to us, looking for DevOps implementation consulting services, they had various concerns and issues that needed solutions. Not only did they need a holistic approach, but they also wanted technical expertise and a strategic execution plan. After the project terms were etched out, we began analyzing the client's extensive challenges and the series of problems they faced.


The analysis helped our DevOps consulting team understand how to go about the project. After designing the project approach, we decided to go with a custom solution as the unique challenges and situations of the client demanded it. As we explained the need, Skin Motion was all in for that. Our first step was understanding the core issue with migrating the website to Kubernetes GKE. They also had a website that was nearly five years old, which also aggravated the migration further.


To help the client, we put together a team consisting of DevOps consulting professionals, strategists, engineers, and cybersecurity experts to cover all the website issues comprehensively. In addition, we also decided to go further with the project in a phased manner to address the problems from a fundamental level.



Team Members


Man Hours


Client Calls


Functionality Developed


A journey towards better website function and user experience

As the project began, our DevOps implementation consulting team realized that adding newer functionalities was not enough. Hence, we started streamlining the deployment and fixed the file upload issues. Another issue we went after early in the project was security. We added a ReCaptcha plug-in to the website to increase security and reduce spamming activity on the signup form. We also implemented load testing to ensure a smooth website running even under heavy load. We also developed and implemented Docker infrastructure setup, zero downtime script for front-end, dev deployment, tattoo activation queue, and Kubernetes zero downtime deployment.

Striking Features

Features to enhance website functionality & server management

Clients Speak-Stories from our Clients

Check out what our client says about our work.

The first few interactions with the AddWeb team made us confident about the path that we were about to start. Despite trying out with a few other DevOps consultants, we felt confident about the plan and approach that AddWeb was going for. The team was always proactive and learned our challenges deeply. This helped us understand what the team would do and how the fixes would work and improve the site’s performance altogether. Our professional relationship was based on mutual respect and understanding, making the entire project even more value-adding.

John Valentine


Final Outcome

A glimpse into what came out of the purposeful hard work

The client was extremely happy with how we addressed the audio upload errors and issues, as this was one of the biggest concerns that directly alienated users from the website. Phase 1 of the project was a truly collaborative effort by everyone involved making the DevOps services even more value-adding and focused. The DevOps implementation consulting team made extensive efforts to ensure that the website performs exceptionally well without glitches and crashes.


With our help, the website began experiencing results such as:



Reduced Load Time


Increased User Engagement


Increased Video Upload Speed


Increased Website User


Reduced Spam Score

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