Consult Recruitment Specialist Recruitment Agency - AddWeb Solution Portfolio Skip to main content

Making Work Easy Since Ages Helping Recruitment Professionals go Digital.

About Project

Consult began its operation in 2008 with one person but had a view of contributing to the recruitment industry. It is the well-know recruitment team in New Zeland. We are excited to help these recruitment experts to build their own website and we are happy we could serve software solutions to them effortlessly.


Country : New Zealand

Industry: Consult Recruitment

Problem Statement

They wanted to develop a website for their recruitment agency. They described a few specifications. Our developers accommodated all their needs and developed a website for them.


Home Page

AddWeb helped them to build an alluring home page for them. Distinct animations and themes were added from our side to help Consult connect to their users in a better way. Various CTA buttons were provided from our side so that the communication can turn out to be effortless. We also displayed users’ requirements on the home page so that it becomes easy to find the area of their concern.


Hire Talent

We know that today to find good people is hard and hiring great people is harder. Hence we focussed on making this page for Consult as now it will help their companies to easily find the employee best suited for the position or deck. We also provided the salary guide so that it makes easy for companies to choose the best worth of the hired personnel. We also provided an option wherein the personnel can check if he is getting the best of worth according to his qualifications and job.


Job Search

AddWeb helped them to build an alluring home page for them. Distinct animations and themes were added from our side to help Consult connect to their users in a better way. Various CTA buttons were provided from our side so that the communication can turn out to be effortless. We also displayed users’ requirements on the home page so that it becomes easy to find the area of their concern.

A Few Stats About Project


Team Members


Man Hours




Coffee Consumed


Line of Code


Client Calls

Technology Stack

AddWeb Solution chooses latest tools, techniques and software platforms to develop Consult Recruitment website


AddWeb was contended to work for these recruitment experts and help their business grow. We made the whole website from top to bottom for them, starting from the home page, alluring themes and animations were added to give it a nice attractive look. CTA buttons were provided to make easy communication.


We provided them with the Find Work page where all the personnel in need of work can search the best-suited job for them, position are being displayed on the page for easy access. We also added Hire talent page for them which made it easy for their clients to search for personnel and also know what is the correct worth of the person they are employing.


We served them with a specific page for the blog posting where all of their written blogs can be published. Get social page is also provided which displays all their social media post on their website. It makes users connect more to them. And increases the trust on Consult. Our developers helped to the utmost of their efforts and came best to our client’s expectation. It was great to work for them.

"Beyond fear lies victory".
Rajeev Agarwal
Rajiv Sir
We Talk Solution
Saurabh Dhariwal
"Worthless Without Smile ☺".
Saurabh Dhariwal
Saurabh Dhariwal
AddWeb Logo
Ashish Jain
"Live and let live".
Ashish Jain
Ashish Jain
Jigish Chauhan
Jigish Chauhan
Jigish Chauhan
We Are Energetic
Ravi Maniyar
ravi 1
ashutosh kumar
Ashutosh Kumar
ashutosh Kumar PM
Apala Jani
apala 1
Ankur Sharma
Ankur Sharma
We Are Spontaneous
Tripti Shah
tripti 1
We Are Innovative

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