Cluster Headache Research App for Nobism | HealthCare App Development - AddWeb Solution Skip to main content

Custom App Solutions for Health Industries Cross-platform App with Native Experience

The platform launched and worked as intended for its target audience, pleasing all stakeholders. Without a clear deadline, AddWeb Solution took its time to deliver a top-notch solution while remaining prompt. Constant communication and problem-solving made for a smooth workflow.

Rogier Koning

Founder, Nobism

About Project

Cluster Headache Research App

Nobism is an arrangement by sufferers of Cluster headache getting active to work on their solutions as a community. We worked on the core aspects such as Data-synchronization, Bug-fixing & Enhancement, Integrated Automatic data entry Multilingual support. We also helped them by crafting an effective form layout filled with the purpose of adding symptoms. Helping this platform to sail on different application platforms to help Cluster headache patients out there. As it is said, “ A Noble Heart is the best inspiration for Minds”. Here you are with our bit in it.


Country : Netherlands-Spain

Industry: Health Care

Problem Statement

Rogier Koning came with the main concern of data management over third party service. The client wanted us to make a platform for the third party to manage the data of users.


Home page

We feel their idea and we changed the homepage molding it towards its idea of patient-driven research. We changed the entire theme and typography. We aimed to let the home page speak for the cause. We also tried to explain the concept with the diagram which is displayed on the home page. So that users suffering from the same problem can know that this is the best place where they can find a solution to their problem.


Data synchronization

It is always counted less when we work for a cause. So we were aiming at the more information reaches the sufferers the more people we would help to recover. Hence this page of Data was created from our end, here the data gets collected, stored and analyzed. So that all appropriate data gets published. We also served them with multilingual support wherein they would help people in different languages, with our this addition now the language barrier is being removed and people comfortable with any of the languages could be helped for getting cured.


Open humans

Their main concern was to establish a platform for the third party. They were mainly focussing on third party service. We were successful in providing them with this platform. By this, we could help them connect to a larger crowd and help more people suffering from cluster headache. Now they can share their data to a much larger extent as Open Humans also connect them to Fitbit and also to genetic research. We also helped them with data synchronization now they can handle more data with ease and help more people in the crowd.

A Few Stats About Project



Team Members


Man Hours




Coffee Consumed


Line of Code


Client Calls

Technology Stack

AddWeb Solution chooses latest tools, techniques and software platforms to develop nobism website


“It is not how much we give, but how much love we put into giving it” AddWeb worked for them putting all possible efforts and love. We are contented to say that we were able to help them set up the compatibility of the third party as now they can concentrate more on collecting the data, and now open humans help them with storing the data for them, and ubiqum comforts them with analyzing the data. We were also able to deploy the latest version over the Google Play Store and Apple Store with the ability to manage and sync users’ data over third-party platforms.


AddWeb also aids them with bug fixing and enhancement. Integrated automatic data entry was served from our end to them to make their work smooth. This app basically collects the patient’s data like symptoms, medicines, dosage, etc and further helps them with recovering solutions. Handling of huge data is difficult for them hence we handed them with providing data synchronization as now they can handle data easily and help more people.


The problem of the language barrier was also resolved from our end by providing them with multilingual support. We also modified the whole site for them by crafting an effective layout for them. Now there web page animations, images, the theme will pitch for there cause. It is our responsibility working towards society. We are elated and blessed to work for a cause.

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